We are an independent, Italian communication agency with strong brand culture and solid strategic approach. We have been at brands’ side for 30 years, as they grow or are reborn. We know how to listen, see, and connect. Ideas, people, talents, and skills. Curating is our art.
We study, research, select, see the potential of an idea. We look for the best way to turn concepts into reality, aligning with the contexts we work in. Our curatorship creates content that increases brand value and makes its purpose more sustainable.
We believe true creativity stems from the art of imagination. To us, creating is an honest act of collaboration and selection. It all starts with a debrief, an intuition, an image, a laugh. We shape the best ideas, to engage with our audience.
This is our mantra. It is a choice, an experience, a promise. Curating challenges us to be intentional, perceptive, and collaborative. First and foremost, with the world outside the Agency. Selecting the talents and capabilities to invest in a project is part of the art of curatorship. We call it our “Archipelago of Skills®”.
Co-Founder and CEO
We can always choose how we work, with the timeline and talents that best fit each client and each project – also thanks to our independence. Not having constraints, or any “agenda” outside of the brand’s success, makes our work as curators even more effective and unique.
Co-Founder and President
© 2025 Phoenix Advertising S.p.A. - P.IVA IT06878880019
© 2025 Phoenix Advertising S.p.A. - P.IVA IT06878880019