Sooters come in every shape, material and color you can imagine. But how many can describe themselves as personal trainers? Only one: Chicco PhysioForma.
Sooters come in every shape, material and color you can imagine. But how many can describe themselves as personal trainers? Only one: Chicco PhysioForma.
Soothers come in every shape, material and color you can imagine. But how many can describe themselves as personal trainers? Only one: Chicco PhysioForma. Because only Chicco is PhysioForma, the anatomical and functional shape chosen by the brand for all its soothers. Phoenix ADV is proud to be Chicco’s longtime partner for the scientific communication regarding this market uniqueness: Chicco PhysioForma is the soother that trains all the 5 vital functions of a newborn’s mouth (Breathing • Sucking • Chewing • Swallowing • Phonating) for healthy growth. A real personal trainer for the oral cavity’s activities.
The leading activity was undeniably the web video, in different cuts (20″ – 15″ – 6″) destined to the official channels owned by the Chicco brand as well as to major information and entertainment portals in Italy, within an intense sponsorship plan.
But there’s more: we created the landing page, banners, and social posts; engaged web PR specialists and influencers; curated the communication towards pediatricians and other medical professionals; produced the point-of-sales materials for pharmacies and multi-brand stores; led promotional activities supporting product trials. A well-timed, competent and capillary communication project designed to educate the public and share the scientific evidence behind Chicco PhysioForma soothers: because babies’ wellbeing begins with their mouth.
BRAND CURATOR: Alessandra Fanzago
ART DIRECTOR: Andrea Cipriano
DIRECTOR: Stefano Morcaldo
3D ARTIST: Fabio Brunello